THE LIFE CYCLE OF AN AUDIT Information Gathering Activities Agency Building Activities Overview Agency Building Support Activities Risk Assessment Audit Activities Legend Audit Flow Threat Assessment User Device Assessment Network Mapping Vulnerability Assessment Data Assessment Responsive Support Reconnaissance Physical Assessment Recommendation Development Audit Preparation Roadmap Development Report Creation Start Follow Up SAFETAG Activities The audit process in very cyclical. Newly identified threats, vulnerabilities, capabilities, and barriers impact activities that have and have yet to be run. At the same time the auditor, through conversations, training, and group activities is actively building the organization's agency and addressing time-sensitive or critical threats that are possible within the time frame. This iterative process eventually leads to a point where the auditor is confident they have identified the critical and low hanging fruit, and is confident the organization is capable of moving forward with their recommendations. Each objective requires a certain base of information, and outputs more information into this cyclical process. Each objective has a "map" of the data flow that it and its specific activities provide based on this map: Page 5 of 240

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